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Taking Fido to the Beach

By May 15, 2017 July 7th, 2017 Blog

Do you plan on taking your dog to the shore this summer? Many of our canine pals love fun in the sun! However, the beach can be dangerous for dogs, so you’ll want to take some precautions to keep your furry buddy safe. Read on for some great tips on taking Fido to the beach from a San Leandro, CA vet.


Make sure that Fido knows—and obeys—basic doggy commands, like Sit, Stay, Come, Heel, and Lay Down. This is very important, as it can keep your pup near you, and away from dangerous areas.


Avoid bringing your canine buddy to beaches with strong currents and/or heavy wakes. These areas can be extremely dangerous for Man’s Best Friend!


Before bringing Fido to the shore, take time to teach him how to swim. Keep in mind that swimming isn’t suitable for all of our furry friends. Some dogs love the water, but others, like pugs and other brachys, get winded very quickly, and can easily get into trouble at the beach. The shore can be especially dangerous for small dogs, as they are often over their heads in very shallow water. Ask your vet for specific recommendations.


Dogs can easily get overheated from running and playing at the beach. After all, Fido is already wearing a fur coat! Bring along plenty of water for your pooch. If you notice your canine friend panting, immediately give him some water and get him out of the sun. If he still seems hot, and/or is lethargic, drooling, or vomiting, contact your vet immediately.

Paw Care

Fido’s paw pads are very delicate, especially when they are wet. Your canine companion could get painful blisters from running around on the sand! Beaches are also dangerous because the sand can hide things like shells, sharp rocks, and broken glass. Use paw balm or wax to protect your furry pal’s feet, and try to keep him on soft ground.

Fur and Skin

Did you know that dogs can get sunburns? If your four-legged buddy has thin or pale skin, ask your vet for advice on putting pet-safe sunscreen on him. We also recommend rinsing Fido off before you take him home.

Please contact us with any questions or concerns about caring for your dog. As your local San Leandro, CA vet clinic, we are always happy to help!

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