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January 2017

Safe Fruits to Give Your Dog

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While the bulk of your dog’s diet should be made up of his regular kibble, it’s perfectly fine to offer a treat now and again. Instead of resorting to table scraps or fatty meat, consider a healthier alternative: fruit! Not all fruits are safe for dogs, but some prove to be an excellent source of nutrients. Try these options next time you’d like to give your dog a snack:


Apples are a good choice for dogs, once you’ve removed the core and seeds. Apples contain plenty of fiber, vitamins C and A, calcium, and phosphorus, but they don’t have the high sugar content that makes other fruits less appealing for dogs. Always cut an apple into slices before giving it to your dog; this will make it far easier for him to eat.

Blueberries are widely considered a great food for humans—some would even refer to them as a “superfood”—and they’re beneficial for our canine companions as well. Blueberries contain fiber and vitamin C, essential nutrients for your dog’s good health, as well as antioxidants. Antioxidants fight free radicals in your dog’s system and are excellent for immune-system strength.


The inner fruit of the pineapple is another good source of essential vitamins and minerals for dogs. It is on the sugary side, however, so only feed your pooch pineapple in moderation. Of course, you’ll want to remove the prickly outer skin before offering your dog a piece.


Bananas work as a good dog treat in moderation. These fruits contain plenty of potassium, vitamins, fiber, and other great nutrients and are low in sodium and cholesterol. They’re also fairly high in sugar content, though, so it’s best to limit your dog to only a few chunks at a time.


The rind and seeds of the watermelon aren’t safe for your dog, as they can cause choking or intestinal blockage, but the fruit itself is healthy and packed full of potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B-6. Try watermelon as a delicious hot-weather treat for your canine companion.


In small amounts, again thanks to the relatively high sugar level, oranges are safe for dogs. Get rid of the outer peel before serving an orange slice to your dog.
Would you like more information on your dog’s dietary needs? Wondering about other fruits that may be safe? Give us a call to learn more.

6 Great Resolutions for People That Are Owned by Cats

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Happy New Year! If you have a kitty, Fluffy will be right there with you as you start 2017. Why not include her in your resolutions? Here, a San Leandro, CA vet lists some great resolutions for people owned by cats.


Did you know that playing is great for Fluffy? A fun session of ‘Catch The Catnip Mouse’ or ‘Chase The Red Dot’ can really get your furball up and moving, which is wonderful for her physically. Playing also offers cats beneficial mental stimulation, prevents boredom, and helps you bond with your pet. Of course, it’s also fun for you: kitties are super cute when they are feeling frisky!

Provide Proper Veterinary Care

Many of our feline patients don’t see us nearly as often as they should. Most kitties should come in at least once a year, though kittens and senior cats may need more frequent appointments. Fluffy may not be thrilled about coming to see us, but at the end of the day, proper veterinary care is crucial to her health!

Keep Kitty Comfy

If there’s one thing cats are good at, it’s making themselves comfortable. Make sure Fluffy has lots of comfy beds and cozy spots to pick from for all those naps.

Activate The Purr

Fluffy’s reputation for being a cold, aloof overlord is really undeserved. Cats really need to feel loved in order to truly thrive. Actually, some of our feline buddies are, well, furry little cuddlebugs. Pay lots of attention to your kitty. Talk to her, play with her, pet her, and groom her.

Watch For Signs of Illness

Cats can be a bit mysterious at times. If Fluffy isn’t feeling well, she may withdraw and try to mask her symptoms. This can be a dangerous habit, as you may not notice any signs of illness until your pet is very sick. Keep an eye out for signs of sickness, and contact your vet right away if you notice anything unusual.

Put Safety First

As we all know, our feline friends have a knack for mischief. Keep your furball safe by keeping your home clear of potential hazards, like toxic plants, small objects, and dangerous chemicals. We also strongly recommend keeping Fluffy indoors. Ask your vet for more information.

Please contact us, your San Leandro, CA animal clinic, anytime. We’re always happy to help!